A Lupita Le Gustaba Planchar / Lupita Always Liked to Iron: [Lupita Always Liked to Iron]

A Lupita Le Gustaba Planchar / Lupita Always Liked to Iron: [Lupita Always Liked to Iron]

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Una parbola moral sobre un mundo en crisis y la bsqueda del amor universal, con una antiherona fuera de serie.

A travs de estas pginas, la autora de Como agua para chocolate recrea la historia de una antiherona fuera de serie que permanecer en la memoria de los lectores. Lupita es una polica poco agraciada fsicamente, con problemas de alcoholismo, que ha padecido la violencia y sobrevive en un medio donde reinan las apariencias, el dinero y el poder, una sociedad marcada por siglos de injusticia, desamparo e impotencia, en la que no parece haber salidas verdaderas.

En su bsqueda del amor, Lupita llega al lugar equivocado en el momento equivocado y termina involucrada en el asesinato de un delegado poltico. Su historia da un giro radical, pues su propia vida est en riesgo y debe desentraar el misterioso crimen, al que rodean oscuros intereses polticos, redes de corrupcin y venta de drogas.

Con su caracterstico lenguaje accesible y enganchador, un refrescante humor negro y una profunda mirada espiritual, Laura Esquivel traza una fascinante parbola moral de este mundo en crisis, que ha perdido el rumbo, donde casi todos somos un poco Lupita y buscamos algo que nos salve del desamor.


Lupita's hard-knock life has gotten the better of her time and time again. A childhood robbed of innocence set off a chain of events that she still has not managed to control, no matter how hard she tries. Every time she thinks she has a handle on things, unexpected turns make her question everything, including herself.

When Lupita witnesses the murder of a local politician whom she greatly admires, the ghosts of her past resurface as she tries to cope with the present. She quickly falls back into her old self-destructive habits and becomes a target of Mexico's corrupt political machine. As the powers that be kick into high gear to ensure the truth remains hidden, Lupita finds solace in the purity of indigenous traditions. While she learns how to live simply, like her ancestors, she comes to understand herself and rediscovers light within a dark life. And if there is hope for Lupita's redemption, perhaps there is hope for Mexico.

"With sharp, take-no-prisoners details and fast-paced language...Pierced by the Sun is a passionate call for justice and healing from one of Latin America's most notable voices." -The Miami Herald

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