Winner of the prestigious Premio Campoy-Ada (2022), sponsored by the North American Academy of the Spanish Language and the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Recipient of the Silver Medal at the 2021 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards.
2021 Royal Dragonfly Book Awards, 2nd place.
Stories of well known and iconic as well lesser known Hispanic women who fought for the rights of those who had no voice.
Discover how the contributions of 10 women from Latin America shaped the role of women in history and society. Some of the women featured in the book are iconic figures such as ballet dancer Alicia Alonso; others are less known heroines such as indigenous leader Dolores Cacuango, founder of the first bilingual school in Ecuador. Beautiful illustrations accompany the text to bring these women to life and inspire the young generation of readers to be leaders tomorrow.
*****Descubre cmo las contribuciones de 10 mujeres de Amrica Latina dieron forma al papel que desempea la mujer hoy en da en la historia y en la sociedad. Algunas de las mujeres que aparecen en este libro son figuras icnicas como la bailarina de ballet Alcia Alonso; otras son heronas menos conocidas, como la lder indgena Dolores Cacuango, fundadora de la primera escuela bilinge en Ecuador. Hermosas ilustraciones acompaan el texto para dar vida a estas leyendas e inspirar a jvenes lectores que sern los lderes del maana.