El Jugador Nmero 12 / Player Number 12

El Jugador Nmero 12 / Player Number 12

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Aventuras a todo color para nios y jvenes fans de la Kings: la primera ficcin oficial del fenmeno deportivo de la ltima dcada. El ftbol tradicional ha muerto. Larga vida a la Kings!

Te gustara entrenar con tus presidentes favoritos y que te ensearan todos los secretos para brillar en el campo?

Al terminar el split de invierno, los trece presidentes de la Kings anuncian algo que revolucionar el mundo del ftbol...

La creacin del Kings League Kampus! El centro de entrenamiento de alto rendimiento definitivo para jvenes.

Erik Landa consigue entrar en el campus, donde tendr que superar todos los obstculos que le pongan los streamers.

Podr convertirse en EL JUGADOR NMERO 12 de uno de los equipos de la Kings?


Full-color adventures for children and young fans of the Kings League: the first official work of fiction on this sporting phenomenon of the last decade. Traditional football is dead. Long live the Kings League!

Would you like to train with your favorite presidents and have them teach you all the secrets so you can shine on the field?

At the end of the winter split, the thirteen presidents of the Kings made an announcement that would revolutionize the world of football...

The creation of the Kings League Campus! The ultimate high-performance training center for young people.

Erik Landa manages to join the campus, where he will have to overcome all the obstacles that the streamers put in his way.

Can he become PLAYER NUMBER 12 of one of the Kings' teams?

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