Salvar vidas fue, precisamente, la salvacin de esta joven. El encuentro con el hechicero fue decisivo: Melisenda recibi de l un libro y un don, dos regalos maravillosos pero que escondan demasiado poder. Cuando ella empez a usarlos, comenzaron los rumores. Era la joven una sabia o una bruja? Su familia tambin quera encasillarla: deba seguir su vocacin de curar o buscar la tranquilidad del matrimonio? Ella tendra que labrar su camino. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Saving lives was, precisely, the salvation of this young woman. The encounter with the sorcerer was decisive: Melisende received from him a book and a gift, two wonderful gifts but which hid too much power. When she started wearing them, the rumors started. Was the young woman a sage or a witch? Her family also wanted to pigeonhole her: should she follow her vocation to heal or seek the tranquility of marriage? She would have to carve her way.
Salvar vidas fue, precisamente, la salvacin de esta joven. El encuentro con el hechicero fue decisivo: Melisenda recibi de l un libro y un don, dos regalos maravillosos pero que escondan demasiado poder. Cuando ella empez a usarlos, comenzaron los rumores. Era la joven una sabia o una bruja? Su familia tambin quera encasillarla: deba seguir su vocacin de curar o buscar la tranquilidad del matrimonio? Ella tendra que labrar su camino. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Saving lives was, precisely, the salvation of this young woman. The encounter with the sorcerer was decisive: Melisende received from him a book and a gift, two wonderful gifts but which hid too much power. When she started wearing them, the rumors started. Was the young woman a sage or a witch? Her family also wanted to pigeonhole her: should she follow her vocation to heal or seek the tranquility of marriage? She would have to carve her way.