Su Gracia Es Mayor: El Evangelio En La Vida de Jos
by David Barcel
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La vida de Jos, as como el resto de la Biblia apuntan a nuestro Seor Jesucristo. El paralelismo entre Jos y Jess es asombroso: Amado por su padre, rechazado por sus hermanos, vendido por plata, echado al pozo ms bajo, exaltado a ser la mano derecha del rey, salvador de aquellos que le traicionaron...Este libro apunta al evangelio de Jess y a cmo debemos responder a l. The life of Joseph is unique due to the extreme circumstances he faced. He was sold as a slave by his brothers, falsely accused by his master's wife, imprisoned for many years, and later vindicated and exalted as Pharaoh's right hand. However, as unusual as his circumstances were, Joseph experienced the same internal trials we face today--bitterness, revenge, despair, anger, unbelief. Pastor David Barcel shows is in this thoroughly insightful study of Joseph's life that the human heart is still faced with what Joseph faced in his life. Moreover, Barcel shows us how the God of Joseph still cares for His people today, just as he cared for Joseph.
The life of Joseph, just as the rest of the Bible, points to our Lord Jesus Christ. The parallelism between Joseph and Jesus is astounding: loved by the Father, rejected by his brothers, sold for silver, thrown to the lowest pit, exalted to the King's right hand, Savior of those who betrayed him... This book points us to the Gospel of Jesus and how we are to respond to it.
La vida de Jos, as como el resto de la Biblia apuntan a nuestro Seor Jesucristo. El paralelismo entre Jos y Jess es asombroso: Amado por su padre, rechazado por sus hermanos, vendido por plata, echado al pozo ms bajo, exaltado a ser la mano derecha del rey, salvador de aquellos que le traicionaron...Este libro apunta al evangelio de Jess y a cmo debemos responder a l. The life of Joseph is unique due to the extreme circumstances he faced. He was sold as a slave by his brothers, falsely accused by his master's wife, imprisoned for many years, and later vindicated and exalted as Pharaoh's right hand. However, as unusual as his circumstances were, Joseph experienced the same internal trials we face today--bitterness, revenge, despair, anger, unbelief. Pastor David Barcel shows is in this thoroughly insightful study of Joseph's life that the human heart is still faced with what Joseph faced in his life. Moreover, Barcel shows us how the God of Joseph still cares for His people today, just as he cared for Joseph.
The life of Joseph, just as the rest of the Bible, points to our Lord Jesus Christ. The parallelism between Joseph and Jesus is astounding: loved by the Father, rejected by his brothers, sold for silver, thrown to the lowest pit, exalted to the King's right hand, Savior of those who betrayed him... This book points us to the Gospel of Jesus and how we are to respond to it.