En esta serie de sermones inditos, Tozer nos recuerda que nuestra fe en Cristo no es un fin en s mismo, sino el punto de partida en un viaje que nos conducir por varias etapas de crecimiento espiritual, como describe el apstol Pablo en Filipenses 3, en completa adoracin a nuestro Salvador.
Una fe ms profunda nos ofrece las claves para:
- avanzar hacia la perfeccin en nuestra vida cristiana;
- descubrir la belleza de Jesucristo;
- identificar los obstculos en nuestro camino;
- ser libres para adorar a Cristo con gozo.
There has hardly ever been in my ministry a series of sermons to which I have given more time, more pain and more prayer than I did to this series from Philippians 3.
A. W. Tozer called these sermons the most important he ever preached. Looking closely at Philippians 3, he describes the Christian as a modern-day Lazarus who hears the call to arise--but can't escape the grave clothes. In this new series of sermon transcriptions, Tozer shows us how to live with freedom.
Toward a more perfect faith gives us Tozer's sermons on:
- Considering Perfection in the Christian Life
- Four Kinds of Christians
- Discovering the Loveliness of Jesus Christ
- The Will of God and Its Relationship to Our Cross
- The Obstacle of Self Trust
- Living in His Righteousness . . . and more.