Te presento a Enzo, y su imaginacin! A Enzo le encanta todo tipo de arte. Le gusta contemplarlo, crearlo y compartirlo con sus amigos. Un libro tierno y carioso, que celebra la diversidad y desafa los estereotipos de gnero. Meet Enzo - and his imagination! Enzo loves all kinds of art. He likes looking at it, making it and sharing it with his friends. A gentle, affectionate book, celebrating diversity and challenging gender stereotypes.
Te presento a Enzo, y su imaginacin! A Enzo le encanta todo tipo de arte. Le gusta contemplarlo, crearlo y compartirlo con sus amigos. Un libro tierno y carioso, que celebra la diversidad y desafa los estereotipos de gnero. Meet Enzo - and his imagination! Enzo loves all kinds of art. He likes looking at it, making it and sharing it with his friends. A gentle, affectionate book, celebrating diversity and challenging gender stereotypes.