La Educacin de Margot Snchez / The Education of Margot Sanchez

La Educacin de Margot Snchez / The Education of Margot Sanchez

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- Mami, por destruir mi vida social.
- Papi, por dejar que Junior se convierta en un neandertal.
- Junior, por convertirse en un neandertal.
- Este supermercado.
- Todo lo dems.

Despus de "tomar prestada" la tarjeta de crdito de su padre para renovar su vestuario con ms estilo, Margot Snchez se encuentra de repente castigada. Y eso significa pasar el verano trabajando en el supermercado de su familia para pagar sus deudas.

Y cada vez que rebana una orden de fiambres Margot siente cmo la reputacin que ha ido cultivando cuidadosamente en su escuela privada se le escapa entre las manos, y est dispuesta a hacer cualquier cosa para escapar de esa tortura. Mentir, engaar, y hasta robar...

Pero Margot est invitada a la mega fiesta en la playa de uno de los chicos de la escuela, y no tiene intenciones de permitir que el drama de su familia, ni Moiss, el apuesto y sincero chico del vecindario, le impidan alcanzar su objetivo.


John Hughes's Pretty in Pink comes to the South Bronx in this bold and "emotional story about class, race, hard work, and finding one's place" (Publishers Weekly)--from debut author Lilliam Rivera.

Things/People Margot Hates:
Mami, for destroying her social lifeP
api, for allowing Junior to become a Neanderthal
Junior, for becoming a Neanderthal
The supermarket
Everyone else

After "borrowing" her father's credit card to finance a more stylish wardrobe, Margot Sanchez suddenly finds herself grounded. And by grounded, she means working as an indentured servant in her family's struggling grocery store to pay off her debts.

With each order of deli meat she slices, Margot can feel her carefully cultivated prep school reputation slipping through her fingers, and she's willing to do anything to get out of this punishment. Lie, cheat, and maybe even steal...

Margot's invitation to the ultimate beach party is within reach and she has no intention of letting her family's drama or Moises--the admittedly good looking but outspoken boy from the neighborhood--keep her from her goal.

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