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Otto se pierde en un bosque prohibido cuando de repente se encuentra con tres misteriosas hermanas. En ese momento, su destino quedar ligado a una inslita bsqueda que entraa una profeca, una promesa y una armnica. Dcadas ms tarde, las vidas de Friedrich en Alemania, Mike en Pennsylvania, e Ivy en California, se conectan entre s cuando la misma armnica llega a ellos. Estos nios se enfrentarn a grandes desafos: rescatar a un padre, proteger a un hermano y mantener a una familia unida.

Otto is lost in a forbidden forest when he suddenly encounters three mysterious sisters. At that moment, his destiny becomes linked to the unusual search that involves a prophecy, a promise, and a harmonica. Decades later, Friedrich in Germany, Mike in Pennsylvania, and Ivy in California become interwoven when the same harmonica reaches them. These children will face major challenges: rescuing a parent, protecting a sibling, and keeping a family together. Richly imagined and masterfully crafted, Echo pushes the boundaries of genre, form, and storytelling innovation to create a wholly original novel that will resound in your heart long after the last note has been struck.

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