El Discurso Vaco / Empty Words

El Discurso Vaco / Empty Words

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Una luminosa reflexin sobre el acto de escribir.

Un escritor inicia un cuaderno con ejercicios para mejorar su caligrafa en el convencimiento de que, al mejorarla, lo har tambin su carcter. Lo que pretende ser un mero ejercicio fsico se ir llenando, de modo involuntario, de reflexiones y ancdotas sobre el vivir, la convivencia, la escritura, el sentido o no-sentido de la existencia.


A brilliant reflection on the act of writing.

An eccentric novelist begins to keep a notebook of handwriting exercises, hoping that if he's able to improve his penmanship, his personal character will also improve. What begins as a mere physical exercise becomes involuntarily colored by humorous reflections and tender anecdotes about living, writing, and the sense―or nonsense―of existence.

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