La Dieta Pegana / The Pegan Diet

La Dieta Pegana / The Pegan Diet

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Dieta paleo + dieta vegana = dieta pegana

Durante dcadas, la batalla de las dietas ha enfrentado a de fensores de la dieta paleo contra los de la vegana, dejndonos a la mayora confundidos sobre cul es la mejor opcin. Lo cierto es que ambas dietas tienen ventajas y desventajas particulares. Pero y si combinramos slo los beneficios de ambos mundos?...

En La dieta pegana, el doctor Mark Hyman explica cmo podemos tomar lo mejor de la dieta paleo (grasas buenas, carbohidratos refinados y azcar limitados) y combinarlo con lo mejor de la dieta vegana (montones de verduras frescas) para crear un plan de alimentacin nuevo y delicioso que sane tu cerebro y tu cuerpo y que adems sea bueno para el planeta.

Con 30 recetas para desayuno, comida y cena, La dieta pegana te ayudar a descubrir la ciencia de crear salud al elegir adecuadamente los alimentos - medicina que unirn el placer de cocinar con la sanacin total.

«Si ests cansado de las guerras entre dietas que slo en frentan una tendencia contra otra, te va a encantar este libro. Aprende a combinar lo mejor de la dieta paleo y la dieta vegana para prevenir enfermedades, sanar el cuerpo y calmar el alma. DR. WILLIAM


The New York Times Bestseller

For decades, the diet wars have pitted advocates for the low-carb, high-fat paleo diet against advocates of the exclusively plant-based vegan diet and dozens of other diets leaving most of us bewildered and confused.

For those of us on the sidelines, trying to figure out which approach is best has been nearly impossible - both extreme diets have unique benefits and drawbacks. But how can it be, we've asked desperately, that our only options are bacon and butter three times a day or endless kale salads? How do we eat to reverse disease, optimal health, longevity and performance. How do we eat to reverse climate change? There must be a better way!

Fortunately, there is. With The Pegan Diet, a-food-is-medicine approach, Mark Hyman explains how to take the best aspects of the paleo diet (good fats, limited refined carbs, limited sugar) and combine them with the vegan diet (lots and lots of fresh, healthy veggies) to create a delicious diet that is not only good for your brain and your body, but also good for the planet.

Featuring 30 recipes and plenty of infographics illustrating the concepts, The Pegan Diet offers a balanced and easy-to-follow approach to eating that will help you get, and stay, fit, healthy, focused, and happy - for life.

'Now, more than ever, we need to utilize the power of food to help our society overcome the epidemic of chronic disease. The Pegan Diet offers an easy-to-implement solution for anyone to get started on their health journey using 21 basic principles that show how we can use food as medicine.' --Arianna Huffington, Founder & CEO, Thrive Global

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