Dice que no eran manzanas, sino castaas
she says they weren't apples, but instead that they were chestnuts
Le dije que era inocente porque no haba comido castaas
I said I was innocent since I had not eaten any chestnuts
pero la Serpiente le inform que "castao" tambin poda tener un significado figurado
but the Serpent informed her that "chestnut" could also have a figurative meaning
Dice que una castaa puede ser una broma envejecida y mohosa
she says a chestnut can be an aged and mouldy joke
Me puse plido ante esta definicin
I turned pale at this definition
porque he hecho muchos chistes para pasar el tiempo cansado
because I have made many jokes to pass the weary time
y algunos de ellos mis chistes podran haber sido de la variedad castaa
and some of them my jokes could have been of the chestnut variety
pero honestamente haba supuesto que eran chistes nuevos cuando los hice
but I had honestly supposed that they were new jokes when I made them
Me pregunt si haba hecho alguna broma justo en el momento de la catstrofe
She asked me if I had made any jokes just at the time of the catastrophe
Me vi obligado a admitir que me haba hecho una broma a m mismo
I was obliged to admit that I had made a joke to myself
aunque no hice la broma en voz alta
although I did not make the joke aloud
este era el chiste que estaba pensando para m mismo:
this was the joke I was thinking to myself:
Estaba pensando en las cascadas
I was thinking about the waterfalls
" Qu maravilloso es ver caer esa vasta masa de agua all abajo!"
"How wonderful it is to see that vast body of water tumble down there!"
Entonces, en un instante, un pensamiento brillante brill en mi cabeza
Then in an instant a bright thought flashed into my head
" Sera mucho ms maravilloso ver el agua caer por la cascada!"
"It would be a great deal more wonderful to see the water tumble up the waterfall!"
Estaba a punto de morir de la risa cuando toda la naturaleza se desat
I was just about to die from laughing when all nature broke loose