Djame Que Te Cuente / Let Me Tell You: Los Cuentos Que Me Ensearon a Vivir
by Jorge Bucay
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Usando su mtodo de contar historias como herramienta para el crecimiento personal, el terapeuta Jorge Bucay comparte una serie de cuentos que sirven como metforas para situaciones de la vida diaria. Demin es un joven ansioso por aprender cmo enfrentar los obstculos del da a da, al igual que curioso de conocer mejor al mundo y a si mismo. l le pide ayuda a Jorge, un psicoanalista, quien aborda el dilema de Demin de manera inusual: cada da, el analista le cuenta una historia a Demin--previamente revisada y reformada-que ayuda a su amigo a vencer sus dudas y encontrar la felicidad. Algunas son fbulas clsicas, otras son historias contemporneas. Todas son historias que nos ayudan a entender nuestros miedos, nuestras relaciones y a nosotros mismos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Over 2 million copies sold worldwide
Let Me Tell You a Story is a tender and delicate book about the search for happiness. Demin is highly strung young man, curious about the world and himself, but he has difficulty facing some of life's everyday problems, those concerning work, his love life, and relationships with friends and family. He is eager to know more about himself and to learn how to confront life with gusto and serenity. In short, he wants what all of us want: to be happy and fulfilled.
Demin finds Jorge, an unconventional psychoanalyst who approaches Demin's dilemma in an unconventional way. Every day, Jorge tells Demin a story. At times they are classic fables, others modern stories, or folk tales, stories that have been revisited and reshaped by the analyst to help his young friend overcome his doubts and find happiness. They are, in short, stories that can help every one of us better understand ourselves, our relationships, and our fears.
Usando su mtodo de contar historias como herramienta para el crecimiento personal, el terapeuta Jorge Bucay comparte una serie de cuentos que sirven como metforas para situaciones de la vida diaria. Demin es un joven ansioso por aprender cmo enfrentar los obstculos del da a da, al igual que curioso de conocer mejor al mundo y a si mismo. l le pide ayuda a Jorge, un psicoanalista, quien aborda el dilema de Demin de manera inusual: cada da, el analista le cuenta una historia a Demin--previamente revisada y reformada-que ayuda a su amigo a vencer sus dudas y encontrar la felicidad. Algunas son fbulas clsicas, otras son historias contemporneas. Todas son historias que nos ayudan a entender nuestros miedos, nuestras relaciones y a nosotros mismos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Over 2 million copies sold worldwide
Let Me Tell You a Story is a tender and delicate book about the search for happiness. Demin is highly strung young man, curious about the world and himself, but he has difficulty facing some of life's everyday problems, those concerning work, his love life, and relationships with friends and family. He is eager to know more about himself and to learn how to confront life with gusto and serenity. In short, he wants what all of us want: to be happy and fulfilled.
Demin finds Jorge, an unconventional psychoanalyst who approaches Demin's dilemma in an unconventional way. Every day, Jorge tells Demin a story. At times they are classic fables, others modern stories, or folk tales, stories that have been revisited and reshaped by the analyst to help his young friend overcome his doubts and find happiness. They are, in short, stories that can help every one of us better understand ourselves, our relationships, and our fears.