Decir Adis No Es Olvidarte / To Say Goodbye Is Not to Forget You

Decir Adis No Es Olvidarte / To Say Goodbye Is Not to Forget You

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Hay historias de amor que hacen que nos reencontremos con nuestros propios miedos, con nuestras propias ilusiones, con nuestra propia historia. Esta es una de ellas.

Solo cuando nos enfrentamos al pasado, podemos sanar un corazn roto.

«Una primera novela llena de sensibilidad y delicadeza . -Mximo Huerta

Cuando Alejandro conoci a David, su sonrisa le pareci la magia que podra salvarlo de s mismo. Durante aos ambos se consideraron afortunados, crean que el amor que compartan era capaz de aguantar todo tipo de tormentas. Todas menos una.

Hace diez aos que se fue de Madrid dejando su dolor, su corazn y a David sin apenas dar explicacin. Ahora Alejandro est preparado para enfrentarse al pasado y a David, quien no ha conseguido perdonarlo, pero tampoco olvidarlo.

En un relato en dos tiempos, esta novela es un viaje por la historia de una pareja: el dulce comienzo, la familiaridad de la rutina, los dolorosos silencios y, tras el adis, el tramposo juego de la memoria al que todos nos hemos visto abocados en alguna ocasin. Escrita con una sensibilidad arrolladora, Yago Gmez Duro nos demuestra que solo si estamos dispuestos a perdonar el pasado, podremos empezar a sanar un corazn roto.


There are love stories that make us rediscover our very own fears, our very own illusions, our very own story. This is one of them.

Only by confronting the past we can heal a broken heart.

"A first novel full of sensibility and gentleness." --Mximo Huerta

When Alejandro met David, he thought his smile seemed like the kind of magic that could save him from himself. For years they both considered themselves lucky. They believed the love they shared could weather any storm. All but one.

It has been ten years since Alejandro left Madrid, his pain, his heart, and David behind without so much as an explanation. Today, Alejandro is prepared to confront the past and David, who hasn't forgiven him, and hasn't forgotten him either.

Told in two timelines, this novel is a journey through a couple's history: the sweet beginning, the familiarity of routine, the painful silences, and after saying goodbye, the deceitful memory game we have all engaged on at some time or another. Written with devastating sensitivity, Yago Gmez Duro proves that only if we are willing to forgive the past, we will be able to heal a broken heart.

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