Everybody tells Ladybug her drawing is not an elephant, but a giant ball of fluff. But... is it? A pleasantly colorful book, printed in stone paper, that invites readers to be imaginative and creative.
In school, the forest children had fun discovering the names of distant jungles, jumping around in the schoolyard, learning new songs. Miss Dragonfly asked their students to draw an elephant as homework. Ladybug's friends Snail, Firefly and other colleagues were the first to show their masterpiece. Ladybug surprised everyone by drawing a giant ball of fluff.
There was no sign of the pachyderm! All the forest animals were worried: why would she have drawn something like that? Miss Dragonfly couldn't believe it, so she warned Ladybug's parents. It was not like her to do such thing... Who knows! Maybe she needed an ear exam... People in the forest started gossiping... But she could not be any healthier! Soon enough, Ladybug made it clear that perhaps they were wrong prejudging her creativity.
Mariquita dibuja un elefante precioso, pero los dems solo ven una pelusa gigante. Un libro lleno de color, impreso en papel de piedra, que invita a los lectores a creer en el poder de la imaginacin y a ser creativos.
En la escuela, los nios del bosque se divierten descubriendo los nombres de selvas lejanas, saltando en el patio con sus compaeros, aprendiendo nuevas canciones. Doa Liblula, la maestra, pidi a sus alumnos que dibujaran un elefante como deberes. Los amigos de Mariquita, Caracol, Lucirnaga y otros de sus amigos fueron los primeros en ensear su obra maestra delante de sus compaeros. Mariquita los sorprendi a todos cuando ense su dibujo: una bola gigante de pelusa!
No haba ni rastro del paquidermo! Todos los animales del bosque estaban preocupados: por qu habra dibujado algo as? Doa Liblula no daba crdito, as que llam inmediatamente a los padres de Mariquita y los avis. No era propio de ella hacer semejante cosa... Quin sabe! Quizs necesitaba que un mdico, podra tener algn problemilla de audicin. La gente del bosque empez a chismorrear, pero Mariquita estaba ms sana que un roble! Muy pronto, Mariquita dej en claro que tal vez los dems estaban equivocados al criticar su creatividad.