Cultiva Tu Felicidad: Los Cinco Principios Para Curar El Trauma Y Transformar Tu Vida / Cultivating Happiness

Cultiva Tu Felicidad: Los Cinco Principios Para Curar El Trauma Y Transformar Tu Vida / Cultivating Happiness

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Es posible superar el dolor y reaprender a ser feliz?

Karen Guggenheim se cuestion esto despus de la repentina muerte de su esposo. Abrumada por esta prdida, decidi convertir el sufrimiento en motivacin y embarcarse en un viaje transformador, que la llev a experimentar el crecimiento postraumtico, una serie de cambios psicolgicos positivos como resultado de su lucha.

Con la finalidad de ensear a otras personas a ser felices, incluso en medio de la adversidad, en 2016 cofund la World Happiness Summit(R), la conferencia ms importante sobre felicidad que congrega a los expertos ms destacados a nivel mundial en bienestar y a un pblico de ms de 50 pases.

En estas pginas conjunta su propia experiencia y los estudios ms recientes en psicologa y neurociencia, para que t tambin puedas florecer tras el trauma.


Is it possible to overcome pain by learning to be happy?

This is the question Karen Guggenheim asked herself after the sudden death of her husband in 2013. Overwhelmed by this unexpected loss, Karen decided to use her grief as a motivator to look inwards and embark on a transformative journey of post-traumatic growth, which led her to become the co-founder of the World Happiness Summit, the leading happiness conference in the world.

Drawing from her personal experiences and research in psychology and neuroscience, Karen reveals that happiness can be taught and learned, and that, through small daily changes, we can all bring more compassion and positivity into our days to feel better about ourselves and others.

Cultivating Happiness is a practical and accessible guide to dealing with adversity, showing us that it is possible to grow from our challenges and lead more fulfilling and purposeful lives.

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