Cunto Te Pesa Lo Que Te Pasa? / How Much Does What Happens Weigh on You?

Cunto Te Pesa Lo Que Te Pasa? / How Much Does What Happens Weigh on You?

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Un libro que te ensea a cmo seguir luchando por lo que quieres a pesar del dolor que hoy sientes.

Cuando Luz Mara Doria empez a experimentar el dolor en su vida, entendi que tena la responsabilidad de ponerse en los zapatos de to­das esas personas que se levantan cada maana con una pesada carga sobre sus hombros y con ella siguen hacia adelante:

"Le quiero hablar a tu corazn de toda esa carga que le pesa y lo est apachurrando. De ese dolor con el quete dej esa noticia que no esperabas recibir. De la tristeza por esa prdida que hace que tu vida no se parezca a lo que fue. Y tambin te quiero hablar a ti. S, a ti que no le cuentas a nadie tu sufrimiento y te lo tragas enterito para que no lo noten. Y no es que note pese, sino que sabes cmo cargarlo".

En estas pginas, Luzma nos lleva en un viaje inspirador y, con el apoyo de algunos de sus amigos que han experimentado --y causado-- el dolor, nos brinda herramientas para seguir volando aun con el peso de aquello que nos aflige y amenaza con derrumbarnos.

"Bello, inspirador y lleno de lecciones maestras de inteligencia emocional y espiritual. Una maravilla de libro: he redo, he llorado y, sobre todo, he aprendido con l". --Rafael Santandreu, psiclogo y autor de los bestsellers El arte de no amargarse la vida, Nada es tan terrible y Sin miedo.


A book that will teach you how to keep working toward your goals despite the challenges you face today.

Luzma was leading a happy and successful life when crisis struck. She soon realized she would have to do what so many others have done in the same situation: wake up every day with a heavy burden on her shoulders and find a way to keep going with her life.

"I want to speak to your heart about the burden it's carrying. About the painful news you didn't expect to receive, the loss that changed your life. I also want to talk to you: yes, you, the one who never tells anyone what you feel, hiding your suffering so that nobody else will see. It's not that it doesn't weigh on you; you just don't know how to bear it."

Motivated and encouraged by her mother, Luzma takes us on an inspiring journey and, with the support of others who have experienced pain in their lives - a loss, an illness, abuse or bullying - offers us the tools to keep flying high despite the burdens that threaten to drag us down.

"Beautiful, inspiring and full of masterful lessons about emotional and spiritual intelligence. A wonder of a book: I laughed, I cried and, most important, learned from it." --Rafael Santandreu, psychologist and bestselling author of El arte de no amargarse la vida [The Art of Not Being Resentful], Nada es tan terrible [Nothing Is That Terrible] and Sin miedo [Fearless].

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