Cmo Conquistar El Corazn de Dios? = How to Conquer the Heart of God?

Cmo Conquistar El Corazn de Dios? = How to Conquer the Heart of God?

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Cmo Conquistar el Corazn de Dios por Andrs Corson, nos muestra como Dios tiene emociones y siente dolor, pero tambin siente placer y a nosotros se nos ha dado el privilegio de tocar su corazn. Aunque lo mejor de todo es que Dios es quien toma la iniciativa de buscarnos y conquistar nuestro corazn. Para el autor saber que poda conquistar el corazn de Dios y gozar de su favor se convirti en uno de los propsitos de su vida. Pero no quiere conquistarlo solo, es el anhelo de Andrs Corson que tambin su casa, la iglesia y cada nacin pueda conquistar su corazn. Este libro te ayudar a:

  • Conocer el corazn de Dios.
  • Saber qu es lo que mueve el corazn de Dios.
  • Ser un hombre o mujer conforme al corazn de Dios.
  • Cumplir tu propsito de agradar y dar placer al Seor con tu vida.

How to Conquer the Heart of God?

How to Conquer the Heart of God? by Andres Corson, shows us how God has emotions and feels pain, but also feels pleasure, and we have been given the privilege of touching his heart. Although the best of all is that God is the one who takes the initiative to seek us and win our hearts. For the author, knowing that he could conquer the heart of God and enjoy his favor became one of his life purposes. But he does not want to conquer God's heart alone, it is Andrs Corson's desire that his home, the church, and each nation can also conquer God's heart. This book will help you:

  • Know the heart of God.
  • Know what moves the heart of God.
  • Be a man or woman after God's own heart.
  • Fulfill your purpose to please the Lord with your life.
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