Cmo Cambiar Tu Vida Con Sorolla / How to Change Your Life with Sorolla

Cmo Cambiar Tu Vida Con Sorolla / How to Change Your Life with Sorolla

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Una biografa nica. Una mirada audaz sobre uno de los ms grandes pintores espaoles y su tiempo.

«Quien busque una biografa de Sorolla y de su poca encontrar en este libro una novela apasionante y magnficamente escrita. Y quien busque una novela apasionante encontrar al mismo tiempo una biografa tan rigurosa como amena . -Luis Landero, Premio Nacional de las Letras Espaolas

La obra de Joaqun Sorolla es una de las ms populares de la historia del arte espaol. Paradjicamente, su apasionante vida es poco conocida. Requerido por las lites sociales e intelectuales de Europa y Amrica, fue uno de los grandes artistas de su poca, que triunf en los salones de Pars y en la emergente Nueva York. Habit el fascinante mundo de finales del siglo XIX e inicios del XX, con el desarrollo de la modernidad y la llegada de los grandes inventos. Vivi el desenfreno de la Belle poque, el Madrid de las tertulias y zarzuelas, y las tribulaciones de la generacin del 98, que critic la «alegra de vivir de sus cuadros.

Trabajador incansable, discreto, ambicioso y exigente consigo mismo, sus mayores deseos eran pintar a todas horas y estar con su familia. Su historia es la de un hombre de xito que hubiera preferido una existencia anodina. Una vida extraordinaria con un final desgraciado.

Cmo se forj su carcter? De dnde provena su don? Cmo era la Espaa que vio y plasm en sus cuadros? Cmo logr mantener vivo el amor por su mujer desde la adolescencia? Csar Surez combina biografa, ensayo y ficcin en este libro que muestra una visin audaz de Joaqun Sorolla y de su tiempo. Un recorrido por escenas de la vida del artista que, tal vez, podran servirnos de inspiracin para la nuestra.



A unique biography. An audacious look into one of the greatest Spanish painters and his time.

Joaqun Sorolla's is one of the most popular works in the history of Spanish art. Paradoxically, little is known of his fascinating life. Wanted by every social and intellectual elite in Europe and the American continent, he was one of the greatest artists of his time, and triumphed both in the Paris halls and the burgeoning New York. He lived in the fascinating world at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, with modernity in development and the arrival of magnificent inventions. Sorolla experienced the revelry of the Belle poque, a Madrid of coteries and zarzuela, and the tribulations of the '98 Spanish literary generation, which judged the "joie de vivre" in his paintings.

Tireless worker, discreet, ambitious, and demanding of himself, his greatest desire was to paint all day and be with his family. This is the story of a successful man who would have preferred an unremarkable life. An extraordinary life with a miserable ending.

How was his character forged? Where did his gift come from? How was the Spain he saw and painted in his pictures? How did he manage to keep the love for his wife kindling since their teenage years? Csar Surez combines biography, essay, and fiction in a book that portrays a bold vision of Joaqun Sorolla and his time. A walk through scenes from the artist's life that might serve as inspiration for our own.

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