Comemos Comida Fresca: Un Libro para Los Nios Sobre Probando Nuevas Frutas y Verduras (2da Edicin - Multicultural)

Comemos Comida Fresca: Un Libro para Los Nios Sobre Probando Nuevas Frutas y Verduras (2da Edicin - Multicultural)

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Un chef fantstico presenta a los nios pequeos experiencias divertidas con la comida que estimulan su inters en las frutas y los vegetales. nete a ellos mientras cosechan en el huerto, preparan platos en la cocina y se relajan un rato en la playa. El chef quiere que los nios prueben algo nuevo, y puede que lo hagan, antes de que l termine.

A whimsical chef introduces a diverse group of young children to fun food experiences that stir up their interest in tasting fruits and vegetables. Join them as they pick from the garden, work in the kitchen, relax by the shore, and discover different ways to prepare and eat healthy foods. The chef wants his young friends to try something new, and they just might before he's through.

"A simply edible book that is rich in colorful fruits and vegetables. Inspires all ages to have a taste of something new!"

- Produce for Better Health Foundation,

Convencer a los nios pequeos para que prueben nuevas frutas y verduras es un desafo ancestral, pero podran descubrir que les gusta la comida cuando se prepara de manera diferente, ya que la textura y el sabor de los alimentos cambian segn la forma en que se cocinan. Los nios podran descubrir que prefieren las zanahorias crudas en lugar de cocidas, el pur de manzana en lugar de las manzanas en rodajas, las cebollas a la parrilla en lugar de crudas, y as sucesivamente. Las papilas gustativas estn en constante cambio. Sera fantstico si los nios estuvieran dispuestos a probar la misma comida preparada de diferentes maneras?

Convincing young children to taste new fruits and vegetables is an age-old challenge, but they might discover they like food when it's prepared a different way since the texture and flavor of food changes based on the way it is prepared. Children might discover that they like raw versus cooked carrots, apple sauce versus sliced apples, grilled onions versus raw, and so forth. Taste buds are always changing. Wouldn't it be terrific if children were willing to taste the same food prepared in different ways?

Easy rhymes and repetitive verses are combined with deliciously colorful pastel illustrations.

32 pages Size: 8.5" H x 8.5" W

Available in English


In addition to the nutrition aspect of this book, there is a STEM component that is well worth sharing. Connecting literature, science, and hands-on discovery gives children a more concrete understanding of new concepts that relate to food.


  • Encourages children to taste new foods
  • Presents over 50 fruits & vegetables to identify
  • Introduces various ways to prepare and eat fruits & vegetables
  • Includes multicultural representation of diverse ethnic groups
  • Promotes experimentation with tools: thermometer, utensils, manual juicer, peeler, whisk, spatula, colander, skewers, etc.
  • Provides an opportunity to count, describe, compare, and contrast foods
  • Optional companion song, spoken word, and instrumental are available for download for a low additional cost

This book is printed on demand in Spanish with English translation on each page. Please flip through at least one of the books you receive and contact the publisher directly as soon as possible if you have any quality concerns.

Bulk Orders: This title is available in bulk directly from the publisher for early childhood and nutrition programs, conferences, non-profit initiatives, licensing, or grants that promote healthy eating, taste tests, fruits and vegetables, gardening, farm-to-table, and anti-obesity. Contact the publisher directly for quotes, orders, and discounted pricing.

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