Coaching Nutricional Para Nios Y Padres / Nutritional Coaching for Children and Parents

Coaching Nutricional Para Nios Y Padres / Nutritional Coaching for Children and Parents

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Has intentado alguna vez que tus hijos coman sano y no lo has conseguido?

Muchas veces, lo que falla al procurar que nuestros hijos coman mejor son las estrategias con las que afrontamos este cambio. Quiz se deba a la falta de tiempo para preparar meriendas sanas, al poco autocontrol de los nios frente a los dulces o a no tener claro qu alimentos son los ms saludables y adecuados.

Este libro aporta informacin nutricional y estrategias de coaching nutricional para conseguir no solo que nuestros hijos coman sano, sino tambin que se sientan mejor con ellos mismos y desarrollen su inteligencia emocional. Con los ejercicios que se proponen, podremos identificar cual es la motivacin de cada miembro de la familia para alimentarse bien y fijar objetivos realistas y asequibles, renovaremos la relacin con la comida (y nos despediremos del azcar), trabajaremos la disciplina, sabremos qu alimentos nos convienen y cules no, y aprenderemos a elaborar un men semanal todos juntos.


Have you ever tried to get your children to eat healthy and not succeeded?

Many times, what fails to ensure that our children eat better are the strategies we use to make change. Perhaps it is due to the lack of time to prepare healthy snacks, the lack of children's self-control when it comes to sweets, or not being clear about which foods are the healthiest and most appropriate.

This book provides nutritional information and nutritional coaching strategies to ensure that our children not only eat healthy, but also that they feel better about themselves and develop their emotional intelligence. With the exercises that are proposed, we'll be able to identify the motivation of each member of the family to eat well and set realistic and attainable goals, we'll renew our relationship with food (and we'll say goodbye to sugar), we'll work on discipline, we'll know which foods are good for us and which ones are not, and we'll learn to prepare a weekly menu together.

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