La Clave Est En La Tiroides: Adis Al Cansancio, La Neblina Mental Y El Sobrepe So... Para Siempre / The Thyroid Connection: Why You Feel Tired, Brai

La Clave Est En La Tiroides: Adis Al Cansancio, La Neblina Mental Y El Sobrepe So... Para Siempre / The Thyroid Connection: Why You Feel Tired, Brai

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Una gua cientfica, accesible y comprensiva para identificar, prevenir y tratar la enfermedad tiroidea.

La doctora Amy Myers te ensea cmo tomar el control de tu salud tiroidea de manera activa. Ests cansada todo el tiempo? Mareada? Te es imposible perder peso de manera duradera? Sufres de insomnio o ataques de pnico? Y, sin embargo, tu doctor insiste en que tus estudios mdicos son normales y te dice que lo nico que necesitas es comer menos y ejercitarte ms, cierto?

No hay nada ms frustrante que la sensacin de sentirte mal y que nadie, ni siquiera tu mdico, acepte que tu sufrimiento es real. La causa de tus sntomas podra ser un desorden en la tiroides: una serie de problemas de salud que afectan a millones de personas en todo el mundo y que pueden amenazar tu vida. Portadora de una enfermedad tiroidea mal diagnosticada en el pasado, la doctora Amy Myers comprende a la perfeccin lo que es sufrir un padecimiento de esta magnitud sin que nadie acepte su existencia. Tambin sabe qu tan fcil es recuperarse y cmo es que t tambin puedes lograrlo.

En este extraordinario libro descubrirs:
- Cmo trabajar de la mano con tu doctor para lograr un diagnstico correcto.
- Qu anlisis de sangre son los adecuados para este tipo de padecimientos y qu significan.
- Cmo encontrar el tipo correcto y la dosis perfecta de un suplemento de hormonas tiroideas.
- El papel que tienen la salud intestinal, la dieta, las toxinas, las infecciones y el estrs en la disfuncin tiroidea.
- Un plan de 28 das para optimizar tu salud y revertir los sntomas.

Adems, tendrs a tu alcance un sinfn de consejos sobre dieta, nutricin, suplementos, ejercicio, sueo y disminucin del estrs. Este es el libro que te devolver una vida ms feliz y saludable ahora mismo.


From the author of the New York Times bestseller The Autoimmune Solution, a comprehensive, accessible overview of thyroid problems that will help you learn to identify the warning signs and finally take back your health.

Are you exhausted all the time, plagued by brain fog, and unable to lose weight? Do you struggle with insomnia, panic attacks, and tremors? But does your doctor insist that your labs are normal, and that you just need to eat less and exercise more? As anyone who has been there knows, nothing is more frustrating, stressful, and emotionally draining than feeling unwell and being told you're fine by the very person who is supposed to heal you.

The truth is your symptoms could be triggered by a thyroid disorder --the hidden cause behind a wide array of health problems that can threaten to ruin your life. Thyroid dysfunctions like Hashimoto's disease, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism affect at least 20 million Americans and yet conventional medicine frequently misses the diagnosis. The scariest part? Most doctors won't even order thyroid tests unless you specifically ask.

Now, in The Thyroid Connection, Dr. Amy Myers teaches you how to take your health into your own hands. Dr. Myers, originally misdiagnosed herself, understands the struggles of thyroid dysfunction firsthand. Fortunately, she also knows how achievable recovery and well-being are, and just how to get you there.

In The Thyroid Connection, you'll discover:
-How to work with your doctor to get the correct diagnosis
-What blood tests to ask for, as well as what they mean
-How to find the right type and dose of supplemental thyroid hormone for you
-The role of gut health, diet, toxins, infections, and stress in thyroid dysfunction
-A complete 28-day plan to jumpstart your health and reverse your thyroid symptoms

Complete with advice on diet and nutrition, supplements, exercise, stress relief, and sleep, The Thyroid Connection is the ultimate roadmap back to your happiest, healthiest self.

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