Los Chicos de Biloxi / The Boys from Biloxi

Los Chicos de Biloxi / The Boys from Biloxi

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Dos amigos de la infancia. Dos familias. Dos lados opuestos de la ley.

Un apasionante thriller en el que el maestro Grisham lleva su relato a otro nivel, con personajes memorables y giros inesperados que te harn devorar las pginas hasta su asombroso final.

Desde hace casi un siglo, Biloxi es conocida por sus playas, complejos tursticos e industria pesquera. Pero tambin tiene un lado oscuro. Esta ciudad de Mississippi es adems famosa por el crimen y la corrupcin: desde el juego, la prostitucin y el contrabando hasta el narcotrfico y los asesinatos a manos de sicarios. Un pequeo grupo controla la actividad criminal y se rumorea que muchos de ellos son miembros de la mafia del sur, conocida como mafia Dixie.

Keith Rudy y Hugh Malco, amigos de la infancia e hijos de familias inmigrantes, crecieron en Biloxi durante los aos sesenta, hasta que en la adolescencia sus vidas siguieron direcciones diferentes. El padre de Keith se convirti en un legendario fiscal decidido a «limpiar la costa . El de Hugh lleg a ser el jefe de la red criminal clandestina de Biloxi. Keith decidi estudiar Derecho y seguir los pasos de su padre. Hugh prefiri trabajar en los clubes nocturnos del suyo.

Las dos familias se dirigen directas hacia un decisivo enfrentamiento, que tendr lugar en un tribunal... y en la que la vida de todos estar en la cuerda floja.


#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - Two families. One courtroom showdown. - John Grisham's most gripping thriller yet. - "A legal literary legend." --USA Today

John Grisham returns to Mississippi with the riveting story of two sons of immigrant families who grow up as friends, but ultimately find themselves on opposite sides of the law. Grisham's trademark twists and turns will keep you tearing through the pages until the stunning conclusion.

For most of the last hundred years, Biloxi was known for its beaches, resorts, and seafood industry. But it had a darker side. It was also notorious for corruption and vice, everything from gambling, prostitution, bootleg liquor, and drugs to contract killings. The vice was controlled by a small cabal of mobsters, many of them rumored to be members of the Dixie Mafia.

Keith Rudy and Hugh Malco grew up in Biloxi in the sixties and were childhood friends, as well as Little League all-stars. But as teenagers, their lives took them in different directions. Keith's father became a legendary prosecutor, determined to "clean up the Coast." Hugh's father became the "Boss" of Biloxi's criminal underground. Keith went to law school and followed in his father's footsteps. Hugh preferred the nightlife and worked in his father's clubs. The two families were headed for a showdown, one that would happen in a courtroom.

Life itself hangs in the balance in The Boys from Biloxi, a sweeping saga rich with history and a large cast of unforgettable characters.

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