El Cerebro de la Gente Feliz / The Brain of Happy People

El Cerebro de la Gente Feliz / The Brain of Happy People

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Te imaginas cmo sera tu vida sin ansiedad?

Este libro es una poderosa herramienta para que la dejes atrs. Si ests atrapado por ella y te aventuras a navegar entre estas pginas, descubrirs por qu te sientes as y cmo, usando tcnicas sencillas, tanto fsicas como mentales, logrars superarla.

A travs de ancdotas muy personales, Ferran Cases cuenta su experiencia con la ansiedad y cmo consigui vencerla despus de ms de quince aos de sufrimiento. Sara Tller, fsica y doctora en neurociencia, explica qu pasaba en la cabeza de Ferran cada vez que tena una crisis y te invita a conocer los secretos del cerebro para que logres olvidarte de la ansiedad para siempre. Este prctico manual te muestra las cosas tal como son, o como la ciencia dice hasta el momento que son, y te invita a ir ms all, ya que entender cmo funciona el cerebro te da un superpoder: comprender cmo funcionas t, y este es el primer gran paso para vencer la ansiedad.

Quizs algo tan sencillo como leer este libro, y aplicar lo que te propone, te permita superar eso que te est minando desde dentro, eso que no te deja disfrutar.


Can you imagine what your life would be without anxiety?

This book is a powerful tool to get rid of anxiety. If you feel trapped by anxiety and dare to venture through these pages, you will find out why you feel that way, and how, employing simple physical and psychological techniques, you will overcome it.

By way of some very personal anecdotes, Ferran Cases shares his experience with anxiety and how he managed to conquer it after more than fifteen years in agony. Sara Tller, physicist and neuroscientist, explains what was happening in Ferran's head every time he had a crisis, inviting you to discover the secrets inside the brain so you may also forget about anxiety forever. This practical guide will showcase things just as they are, or how science says they are so far, inviting you to go even further, since understanding the working brain grants you a superpower, an insight on how you work--the first great step towards beating anxiety.

Maybe something as simple as reading this book and applying its suggestions will allow you to overcome the very thing undermining you from within, keeping you from enjoying life.

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