Casi Todo Desaparece / Almost Everything Disappears
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«Y si nos hubiramos quedado, dnde estaramos ahora?, cmo seran nuestras vidas? Tras haber huido con su familia de los estragos de una guerra que desintegr a su pas y luego de vivir en Per durante varias dcadas, Vera an conserva intacta la imagen de todo aquello que dej atrs. Acorralada por la soledad, revive sus primeros aos junto a su hermano Alex y su amiga Misha. En medio de las bombas, los tres nios, como en un juego infantil, emprenden la formacin de su propio ejrcito con la ilusin de salvarse de una guerra mayor. Qu parte de Vera se qued en su lugar de origen? Qu busca recuperar al volver la vista atrs? Su historia, como la de muchos exiliados, est signada por una mezcla de renuncias y sacrificios, pero tambin por una fuerza que, silenciosamente, arrastra una corriente de esperanza capaz de resurgir en el momento menos pensado. Contada en dos tiempos que encauzan la experiencia dividida de su protagonista, Casi todo desaparece reproduce, con notable dominio narrativo, el emocionante devenir de una memoria de heridas abiertas y valientes desafos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A gripping and emotional story with sacrifice and loss at its center. A path to freedom without looking back.
"And if we had stayed, where would we be now? What would our lives be like?" Decades after she and her family fled to Peru to escape a war that tore apart her country, Vera keeps alive the memory of all they've lost. In her solitude, she recalls her childhood with her brother, Alex, and friend Misha. As the bombs fell, the three children formed their own play army to stop the war from spreading. What part of herself did Vera leave behind in her homeland? What does she hope to regain by looking back? Her story, like that of many exiles, is marked by sacrifice and resignation, but also a silent current of hope that bursts forth unexpectedly. Told in two timelines that reflect the protagonist's divided life, Almost Everything Disappears is a powerful narrative about wounds that are still raw and remembered bravery.
«Y si nos hubiramos quedado, dnde estaramos ahora?, cmo seran nuestras vidas? Tras haber huido con su familia de los estragos de una guerra que desintegr a su pas y luego de vivir en Per durante varias dcadas, Vera an conserva intacta la imagen de todo aquello que dej atrs. Acorralada por la soledad, revive sus primeros aos junto a su hermano Alex y su amiga Misha. En medio de las bombas, los tres nios, como en un juego infantil, emprenden la formacin de su propio ejrcito con la ilusin de salvarse de una guerra mayor. Qu parte de Vera se qued en su lugar de origen? Qu busca recuperar al volver la vista atrs? Su historia, como la de muchos exiliados, est signada por una mezcla de renuncias y sacrificios, pero tambin por una fuerza que, silenciosamente, arrastra una corriente de esperanza capaz de resurgir en el momento menos pensado. Contada en dos tiempos que encauzan la experiencia dividida de su protagonista, Casi todo desaparece reproduce, con notable dominio narrativo, el emocionante devenir de una memoria de heridas abiertas y valientes desafos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A gripping and emotional story with sacrifice and loss at its center. A path to freedom without looking back.
"And if we had stayed, where would we be now? What would our lives be like?" Decades after she and her family fled to Peru to escape a war that tore apart her country, Vera keeps alive the memory of all they've lost. In her solitude, she recalls her childhood with her brother, Alex, and friend Misha. As the bombs fell, the three children formed their own play army to stop the war from spreading. What part of herself did Vera leave behind in her homeland? What does she hope to regain by looking back? Her story, like that of many exiles, is marked by sacrifice and resignation, but also a silent current of hope that bursts forth unexpectedly. Told in two timelines that reflect the protagonist's divided life, Almost Everything Disappears is a powerful narrative about wounds that are still raw and remembered bravery.