La Campana de Jade / Jades Bell

La Campana de Jade / Jades Bell

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Llega el cuarto libro de la coleccin «Amanda Black , la nueva serie para nios de Juan Gmez-Jurado y Brbara Montes.

Aventuras repletas de misterio, accin trepidante y con un ritmo frentico.

Cuando Amanda cumpli trece aos, hered de golpe una mansin y averigu que era la ltima (glups) de una larga estirpe familiar dedicada a mantener el equilibrio entre las fuerzas del mal y las fuerzas del bien. Junto a su amigo Eric, Amanda ha tenido que adaptarse a su nuevo instituto, a sus nuevos poderes y a sus nuevas actividades extraescolares: robar objetos peligrosos para la humanidad. En esta nueva aventura, esta vez en Nepal, Amanda seguir ahondando en sus orgenes, e intentar descubrir ms sobre su madre y sobre su mayor enemiga, Irma Dagon.

Una nueva aventura de Amanda en su empeo por desentraar los secretos de la mansin Black.


The fourth installment of the «Amanda Black collection, the new middle-grade series by bestselling thriller authors Juan Gmez-Jurado and Brbara Montes. This thriller, full of adventure, mystery, and fast-paced action, is sweeping up readers of all ages.

When Amanda turned thirteen, she suddenly inherited a mansion and she also found out that she was the last (gulp) of a long family line that was there to preserve the balance between the forces of evil and the forces of good. Together with her friend Eric, Amanda has had to adapt to a new high school, her new powers, and her new extracurricular activities: stealing objects that are dangerous to humanity.

In this new adventure, this time in Nepal, Amanda continues to inquire about her origins, and will try to discover more about her mother and about her greatest enemy, Irma Dagon.

A new adventure for Amanda in her quest to unravel the secrets of the Black mansion.

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