Caballo de Troya 8: Jordn / Trojan Horse 8: Jordan

Caballo de Troya 8: Jordn / Trojan Horse 8: Jordan

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La mgica historia del bautismo de Jess.

Si no es fcil describir los siete anteriores volmenes de la serie Caballo de Troya, la octava entrega supera todo lo imaginable. No se esfuerce. Su imaginacin se quedar corta, quedar atrapado y se dejars llevar por las sorpresas.

Nadie, hasta hoy, ha narrado con tanto detenimiento el supuesto bautismo de Jess de Nazaret. Nadie se haba atrevido a relatar, con semejante crudeza, lo que pudo ocurrir en aquella histrica jornada, en uno de los afluentes del ro Jordn. Saba que el Maestro nunca se retir al desierto, y que no fue tentado por el diablo? Nunca, tanto, le parecer tan poco.


The magical story of Jesus' baptism.

If it is not easy to describe the previous seven volumes of the Trojan Horse series, the eighth installment surpasses everything imaginable. Don't exert yourself. Your imagination will fall short, you will be trapped, and swept away by surprises.

No one, until today, has narrated in such detail the alleged "baptism" of Jesus of Nazareth. No one had dared to recount, with such crudeness, what could have happened on that historic day, in one of the tributaries of the Jordan River. Did you know that the Master never withdrew into the wilderness, and that he was not tempted by the devil? Never, so much, will it seem so little.

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