La Bajamar / Low Tide

La Bajamar / Low Tide

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« Cmo es la memoria de lo que nunca llega a decirse en voz alta? Aroa Moreno Durn y su brutal capacidad para narrar el silencio de tres mujeres que se asoman al dolor con vrtigo, pero sin miedo . --Beln Gopegui

Adirane regresa a la casa familiar de su pueblo junto a la ra, en el norte del Pas Vasco, con la frgil excusa de registrar la ltima memoria de infancia de su abuela Ruth durante la Guerra Civil. Ha dejado atrs a su marido y a su hija de cinco aos, sin siquiera una explicacin, para intentar encontrar un nuevo punto de partida desde su propio pasado. En la casa vive tambin Adriana, su madre, con quien no se habla desde hace aos.

Qu significa criar o cuidar de alguien bajo tres contextos histricos y polticos muy dispares y en un territorio casi permanentemente tensado? En esta novela, madres e hijas de diferentes generaciones irn tejiendo, con el ritmo y la fuerza de las mareas, una genealoga zarandeada por secretos familiares y enfrentamientos que hasta ahora las han mantenido alejadas, viviendo vidas separadas por los muros de lo que nunca se dice.

Aroa Moreno Durn, con una prosa hermosa y evocadora, pero tambin visceral e inmisericorde, nos conduce por casi un siglo de nuestra historia reciente: el horror de la guerra, el desarraigo del exilio, los aos del plomo, la casa vaca y la vida vencida, y an ms all, desde los secretos del pasado hasta la huida del futuro.


"How do you remember something that is never said out loud? Aroa Moreno Durn and his brutal ability to narrate the silence of three women who stare at pain dead center and without fear." Belen Gopegui

Adirane returns to her family home in the north of the Basque Country, in a town by the estuary with the poor excuse of recording the last memories of her grandmother Ruth's childhood during the Civil War. She left behind her husband and her five-year-old daughter, without even an explanation, to try to find a new starting point from her own past. Her mother Adriana, whom she has not spoken to for years, also lives in the house.

What would it be like to raise or care for someone under three very different historical and political contexts, and in a place with almost permanently tension? In this novel, mothers and daughters from different generations will weave, with the rhythm and force of the tides, a genealogy shaken by family secrets and confrontations that until now have kept them apart; living lives separated by the divisions of what has never been spoken about.

With a beautiful and haunting prose, while at the same time visceral and merciless, Aroa Moreno Durn leads us through almost a century of a recent history: the horrors of war, the uprooting of exile, the years of pain, the empty house, and a defeated life, and even beyond that, from the secrets of the past to the flight of the future.

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