Antes de Ti / Before You

Antes de Ti / Before You

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Un emotivo lbum ilustrado para querer y quererse, una oda a todas las madres.

«Te contar lo que fui, te contar lo que soy.

Lo que te quiero, lo que me quedo, lo que te doy.

Porque no somos una, t y yo somos dos.

Y ANTES de ti, yo ya era YO .

Cmo era una madre antes de ser madre? Antes tena un nombre y ahora es mam, a secas. A veces echa de menos su vida anterior, pero otras veces est convencida de que ser madre ha sido su mayor logro. A veces cogera las maletas y se ira de casa para estar sola y, otras, en cuanto se separa de sus hijos un momento, ya los echa de menos.

Bea Taboada, autora de A veces mam tiene truenos en la cabeza, explora en este precioso lbum ilustrado las bondades y contradicciones de ser madre, con sus grandes ms y sus pequeos menos.

Bellsimamente ilustrado por el gran Ricard Lpez, este libro se convertir en el regalo perfecto para madres e hijos y es ideal para compartir un momento de paz y lectura en familia.

«Porque antes de ti, yo solo era yo.

Ahora somos nosotras.

T y yo .


A moving and touching picture book to love and be loved, an ode to motherhood.

"I'll tell you who I was before, I'll tell you who I am now.

How much I love you, what I keep and what I give to you.

Because we are not one, you and I, we are two.

And BEFORE you, I was already ME."

What was a mother like before being a mother? Before, she had a name, and now she's just mom. Sometimes she misses her previous life, but other times she's convinced that being a mother has been her greatest achievement. At times she would love to pack her bags and leave to have some time alone, and other times, as soon as she's left alone for a moment, she already misses them.

Bea Taboada, author of A veces mam tiene truenos en la cabeza/Sometimes Mom Has Lightning in Her Head, explores in this beautiful picture book the virtues and contradictions of being a mother, with all its ups and downs.

Beautifully illustrated by the great Ricard Lpez, this book will become the perfect gift for mothers and children and is ideal for sharing reading time as a family.

"Because before you, I was just me. Now it's us. You and me."

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