Un Animal Salvaje / A Wild Animal

Un Animal Salvaje / A Wild Animal

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«Una voz napolenica, que no escribe, boxea. -Laura Fernndez, El Cultural

El 2 de julio de 2022, dos delincuentes se disponen a robar en una importante joyera de Ginebra.

Un incidente que dista mucho de ser un vulgar atraco. Veinte das antes, en su lujosa casa de diseo rodeada de bosques, Sophie Braun se prepara para celebrar su cuadragsimo cumpleaos. La vida le sonre, disfruta de su familia, de su hogar y del xito en su trabajo, pero su idlico mundo est a punto de tambalearse. Su marido anda enredado en sus pequeos secretos. Su vecino, un polica de reputacin irreprochable, se ha obsesionado con ella y la espa hasta en los detalles ms ntimos. Y un misterioso merodeador le hace un regalo que pone su vida en peligro. Sern necesarios varios viajes al pasado, lejos de Ginebra, para hallar el origen de esta intriga diablica de la que nadie saldr indemne.

Un thriller con un ritmo y un suspense sobrecogedores, que nos recuerda por qu, desde La verdad sobre el caso Harry Quebert, Jol Dicker es un fenmeno editorial en todo el mundo, con ms de veinte millones de lectores.


"A Napoleonic voice that doesn't so much write as box." -Laura Fernndez, El Cultural

On July 2, 2022, a pair of burglars is preparing to loot one of Geneva's most elegant jewelry stores.

The crime is much more than a common heist. Three weeks earlier, at her luxurious wooded mansion, Sophie Braun is about to celebrate her fortieth birthday. To all appearances, the fates have smiled upon her: She has a wonderful family, a beautiful home and a successful career, but her idyllic existence is about to crumble. Her husband is hiding a multitude of secrets. Her neighbor, a respected police official, is obsessed with her and spies on her most intimate moments. And a mysterious prowler leaves her a gift that puts her life at risk. Sophie must journey into the past, far from Geneva, to discover the origin of a diabolical intrigue from which no one will emerge unscathed.

A fast-paced and suspenseful thriller that that cements Jol Dicker's reputation since his debut novel, The Truth about the Harry Quebert Affair, as a literary phenomenon with more than twenty million readers around the world.

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