Los Amorosos: Cartas a Chepita (Poesa) / The Lovers (Poems)

Los Amorosos: Cartas a Chepita (Poesa) / The Lovers (Poems)

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Textos preliminares de Carlos Monsivis, Brbara Jacobs y Chepita.

Una historia de amor. Un testimonio literario indito desde las primeras palabras, las primeras frases, escritas en 1947, en el joven Jaime, apenas un estudiante de veintin aos, se vislumbra ya el genio y talento de quien habra de convertirse en el poeta contemporneo ms querido y ledo en lengua hispana.

"Los amorosos: Cartas a Chepita es un documento literario, histrico y amoroso, imprescindible. Un formidable alegato lrico y un estar dentro de la mentalidad potica del autor". Carlos Monsivis.


Preliminary texts by Carlos Monsivis, Brbara Jacobs, and Chepita.

A love story. An unpublished literary testimony from the first words, the first sentences, written in 1947, in the young Jaime, barely a twenty-one-year-old student, the genius and talent of who would become the most beloved and read contemporary poet in the Spanish language is already glimpsed.

"Los amorosos: Cartas a Chepita (The Lovers) is an essential literary, historical, and romantic document. A formidable lyrical plea and a glimpse into the poetic mindset of the author-." Carlos Monsivis.

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