Alimenta Tu Vitalidad: Nutricin Energtica Para Sentirte Joven a Cualquier Edad / Feed Your Vitality

Alimenta Tu Vitalidad: Nutricin Energtica Para Sentirte Joven a Cualquier Edad / Feed Your Vitality

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El libro con el que por fin aprenders a alimentarte para sentirte con tu mxima energa.

Ests cansada de sentirte agotada y sin energa permanentemente? Sabas que conocerte es clave para escoger la alimentacin que va a vitalizarte? A partir de la visin integradora de las dos culturas, la occidental y la oriental, aprenderemos a escoger mejor los alimentos que nos rodean y a usarlos estratgicamente para mantener nuestra salud y energa, prevenir las principales enfermedades y sanarnos.

Gemma Hortet te introduce en la nutricin energtica, la nutricin del sentido comn, la que tiene en cuenta cmo eres, dnde vives, de qu trabajas y en qu momento vital te encuentras. Te ayudar a sentar las bases para empezar una nueva forma de alimentarte, ms alineada contigo misma para hacer frente a tus retos diarios y evitar el cansancio crnico que protagoniza el siglo XXI.

Adems, aprenders las tcnicas de cocina ancestrales y sabrs lo que es mejor comer segn te encuentres de energa para sentirte joven y con vitalidad tengas la edad que tengas.


The book with which you will finally learn to feed yourself to feel at your maximum energy.

Are you tired of feeling permanently drained and drained of energy? Did you know that knowing yourself is key to choosing the food that will vitalize you? From the integrative vision of the two cultures, the Western and the Eastern, we will learn to better choose the foods that surround us and to use them strategically to maintain our health and energy, prevent the main diseases and heal ourselves.

Gemma Hortet introduces you to energy nutrition, the nutrition of common sense, which takes into account what you are like, where you live, what you do for a living and what moment in life you are in. It will help you lay the foundations to start a new way of eating, more aligned with yourself to face your daily challenges and avoid the chronic fatigue that is the protagonist of the 21st century.

In addition, you will learn ancestral cooking techniques and know what is best to eat as you find energy to feel young and with vitality no matter how old you are.

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