Abraza Tus Partes Rotas: Concete, Acptate, Snate / Embrace Your Broken Bits. Know Yourself, Accept Yourself, Heal Yourself

Abraza Tus Partes Rotas: Concete, Acptate, Snate / Embrace Your Broken Bits. Know Yourself, Accept Yourself, Heal Yourself

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Atrvete a mirar adentro para conocerte, entenderte y, as, sanar tus heridas y tus partes rotas.

«Mara te ensea y te abraza con cada palabra de este libro; disfrutar de su elegancia y su ternura en estas pginas me parece un lujo . --Lorena Gascn, @lapsicologajaputa

Desde que nacemos, nos ensean que tenemos que sonrer, ser fuertes, sentirnos felices y poder con todo. Nos dicen que no tengamos miedo, no estemos tristes y no nos mostremos vulnerables. Entonces por qu nos sorprende que, ya adultos, no sepamos relacionarnos de una forma sana con nuestras emociones? Por qu nos extraa tener tanto miedo a lo que sentimos, no saber cmo procesar un duelo o cmo enfrentarnos a una situacin estresante?

Para sanar las heridas internas y superar procesos como la ansiedad o la depresin, necesitamos entender que la vida no va de estar siempre alegres, necesitamos aprender a mirar adentro y a curar aquello que se ha roto. La psicloga Mara Ros, nos invita a parar y observar, con una mirada comprensiva, cada una de nuestras heridas, pues solo desde ah podremos empezar a cerrarlas.

Abraza tus partes rotas nos muestra el camino para conocernos, entendernos y sanarnos, con conciencia y compasin, sin juzgarnos.


Dare to look inside yourself to know and understand who you are, and then heal your wounds and broken bits.

"Maria teaches you and embraces you with each word in this book. Enjoying her elegance and sweetness in these pages is a luxury to me." --Lorena Gascn, @lapsicologajaputa

From the day we are born, we are taught to smile, be strong, be happy, and handle everything. We are told not to be afraid, not to be sad, and not to show vulnerability. Why is it surprising then that we, as adults, don't know how to deal with our own emotions in a healthy manner? Why is it surprising that we fear our own feelings, that we don't know how to cope with grief, nor face stressful situations?

To heal our inner wounds and overcome such processes as anxiety and depression, we must first understand that life is not about being happy all the time. We need to learn how to look inside ourselves and heal that which was broken. Psychologist Maria Ros invites us to stop and observe each of our wounds with an understanding gaze, since only then can we begin closing them.

Embrace Your Broken Bits shows us the path to self-discovery, to an understanding of ourselves, and to heal conscientiously and compassionately, free of judgement.

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