1984 (Novela Grfica) / 1984 (Graphic Novel)

1984 (Novela Grfica) / 1984 (Graphic Novel)

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En el ao 1984, Londres es una ciudad lgubre en la que la Polica del Pensamiento controla de forma asfixiante la vida de los ciudadanos.

Winston Smith es un pen de este engranaje perverso y su cometido es reescribir la historia para adaptarla a lo que el Partido considera la versin oficial de los hechos. Hasta que decide replantearse la verdad del sistema que los gobierna y somete.

El artista grfico Fido Nesti reelabora en estas pginas la obra maestra del autor y novela cumbre del subgnero distpico, dotando de rostros, cuerpos y paisajes un mundo que cada da que pasa resulta menos difcil de imaginar.

«Aqu ya no estamos solo ante lo que habitualmente reconocemos como "literatura" e identificamos con la buena escritura. Aqu estamos, repito, ante energa visionaria. Y no todas las visiones se refieren al futuro, o al Ms All. -Umberto Eco

«Un libro magnfico y profundamente interesante. -Aldous Huxley


"In 1984, London is a gloomy city in which the Thought Police suffocatingly control the lives of its citizens.

Winston Smith is a pawn in this perverse game and his task is to rewrite history to adapt it to what the Party considers the official version of events. Until he decides to rethink the truth of the system that governs and subjugates them.

In these pages, the graphic artist Fido Nesti re-elaborates the author's masterpiece of the dystopian subgenre, endowing with faces, bodies, and landscapes a world that with each passing day becomes less difficult to imagine.

'Here we are no longer alone with what we usually recognize as "literature" and identify with good writing. Here we are, I repeat, before visionary energy. And not all visions refer to the future, or the Hereafter.' -Umberto Eco

'A magnificent and deeply interesting book.' -Aldous Huxley "

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