101 Cuentos Cortos Extraordinarios / 101 Amazing Short Stories

101 Cuentos Cortos Extraordinarios / 101 Amazing Short Stories

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101 cuentos breves para leer en cualquier parte, a toda hora, solo o con amigos.

Un tren mgico, palomitas de maz enormes, la barba de un marinero que guarda objetos increbles, muecas gigantes, un pueblo sonmbulo, un fantasma escritor, una letra que quiere jugar, un extraterrestre ecologista...

relatos asombrosos y originales que te maravillarn!


101 short stories to read anywhere, anytime, by yourself, or with friends.

A magical train, huge popcorn, a sailor's beard that hides incredible objects, giant dolls, a sleepwalking town, a ghost writer, a letter that wants to play, an environmentalist alien...

Amazing and original stories that will astound you!

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