Sound Doctrine: Teaching that leads to true fear of the Lord

Sound Doctrine: Teaching that leads to true fear of the Lord

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According to the Bible, sound doctrine creates true fear of the Lord. If this fear of the Lord is missing in our churches, as it seems to be, it must be a sign that we do not preach the true Word of God and sound doctrine. Teaching sound doctrine should cause us to see a need to surrender everything to God and to live in the light. There is no darkness, no sin, when we are walking in the light ( 1 John 1:7). True godliness and holiness is required to walk with God. In this prophetic word to the Church, Torben brings us back to the Bible where sound doctrine is found, including how to address sin in the church and in the individual. Has the church been teaching sound doctrine? Has it become soft on sin? Can the church expect its prayers to be answered if there is sin in the camp? Is the church accursed because it has allowed sin to thrive unchallenged? Can a person truly be born again and continue in conscious sin? Have we been teaching a grace that tramples the blood of Jesus? These are serious questions that must be addressed if we expect God to hear our prayers. His word to the church: REPENT!

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