A comedy/drama set in the early 90's, tells the story of two young black college freshman. Crystal, who is a straightforward urban young woman from Compton, CA, is placed with Shanice, a perky upbeat young woman who is from Beverly Hills, and was adopted by a white family. The two are placed as roommates and instantly clash. The play takes us on a trip down memory lane with a strong 90's vibe and an array of eclectic characters who add drama and fun to the story. The play addresses issues such as race, identity, acceptance, unity, and the ongoing question of, what it takes to be black?
A comedy/drama set in the early 90's, tells the story of two young black college freshman. Crystal, who is a straightforward urban young woman from Compton, CA, is placed with Shanice, a perky upbeat young woman who is from Beverly Hills, and was adopted by a white family. The two are placed as roommates and instantly clash. The play takes us on a trip down memory lane with a strong 90's vibe and an array of eclectic characters who add drama and fun to the story. The play addresses issues such as race, identity, acceptance, unity, and the ongoing question of, what it takes to be black?