Many patients become edentulous in one arch while retaining some or all of their natural teeth in the opposing arch. Several difficulties are encountered in providing a successful, single complete denture treatment. When one jaw is edentulous the type of sensory feedback to the central nervous system is different from the feedback from the natural teeth, and this difference gives rise to occlusal and support problems that are difficult to solve.A generalization of the overall philosophy of the single complete denture is presented, with an attempt to analyze the different factors that may be involved in the decision to provide this treatment. Recognition of these factors and their prevention will result in a single complete denture that is physiologically and functionally acceptable for the patient for extended period without chronic denture failure
Many patients become edentulous in one arch while retaining some or all of their natural teeth in the opposing arch. Several difficulties are encountered in providing a successful, single complete denture treatment. When one jaw is edentulous the type of sensory feedback to the central nervous system is different from the feedback from the natural teeth, and this difference gives rise to occlusal and support problems that are difficult to solve.A generalization of the overall philosophy of the single complete denture is presented, with an attempt to analyze the different factors that may be involved in the decision to provide this treatment. Recognition of these factors and their prevention will result in a single complete denture that is physiologically and functionally acceptable for the patient for extended period without chronic denture failure