Silent Letter, the masterful full-length debut from Gail Hanlon, centers around the idea of learning to navigate desire, uncertainty, and grief. In part through art and literature, and in part through alternative ways of knowing, divination, I Ching, Tarot, dreams, meditation, and ritual, Hanlon's poems explore the natural world and the edges of memory, language, and consciousness. Breathtaking in its concision and stirring in its empathy, Silent Letter soars.
Silent Letter, the masterful full-length debut from Gail Hanlon, centers around the idea of learning to navigate desire, uncertainty, and grief. In part through art and literature, and in part through alternative ways of knowing, divination, I Ching, Tarot, dreams, meditation, and ritual, Hanlon's poems explore the natural world and the edges of memory, language, and consciousness. Breathtaking in its concision and stirring in its empathy, Silent Letter soars.