Shipping container houses are contemporary and eco-friendly. They are a fantastic alternative to traditional home construction and can save you money and time. Homes constructed from shipping containers are a trend that has exploded in recent years and only continues to grow in popularity. This book contains everything you need to know to turn your dream of living in a home constructed from shipping containers into a reality. Discover The Ins and Outs
In this book, you will learn all the ins and outs of home construction using shipping containers. You will discover what you need to know about building codes and zoning and how that will factor into the construction of your new home. You will learn all the advantages and disadvantages construction using this alternative material and why it is so popular all over the world. You will find out how to buy a shipping container suitable for home construction and what you need to know before you purchase one. In this book, Shipping Container Homes: A Comprehensive Guide to Shipping Container Homes, you will discover advice and tips that will help you every step of the way. With this book, you will be ready to tackle any challenge and will ready to turn your dream of living in a shipping container home a reality. Within this book, you'll find the answers to these questions and more. Just some of the questions and topics covered include
- Houses made from shipping containers
- The shipping container home revolution
- Potential drawbacks
- Financing, budgets and insurance
- Land, purchasing and permits
- It's time to make some decisions
- Planning your space
- Purchasing home plans
- How to purchase shipping containers
- The Build
- Time to move in!
- And more!