Most books about sleep give you the same old advice: Create a bedtime ritual, avoid screens, cut down on coffee, bla bla bla. If that's the book you're looking for, keep browsing the store. Set it & Forget it teaches you something new. Read it and you will understand why sleep hygiene is a trap, why giving up anything in the pursuit of getting more sleep is a bad idea and why nothing you tried has worked. Most importantly it will teach you what you should do: Much less than you think. Understand why you haven't slept well, let go of habits that have gotten you stuck and restful sleep will come your way.
Most books about sleep give you the same old advice: Create a bedtime ritual, avoid screens, cut down on coffee, bla bla bla. If that's the book you're looking for, keep browsing the store. Set it & Forget it teaches you something new. Read it and you will understand why sleep hygiene is a trap, why giving up anything in the pursuit of getting more sleep is a bad idea and why nothing you tried has worked. Most importantly it will teach you what you should do: Much less than you think. Understand why you haven't slept well, let go of habits that have gotten you stuck and restful sleep will come your way.