In World War II, American soldiers were shocked to discover thousands of German POW's carrying New Testaments. Civilized men serving Hitler? Impossible, or so one would think when juxtaposed against jackbooted Aryan supremacy and the Holocaust. The astonishing truth, however, is that the majority of Germany's population willingly supported Hitler, so powerful the seduction and so profound the blindness. Never before undertaken in a novel, 'The Seduction of Eva Volk' is an inside look at the not-so-simple paradox of a Christian culture proclaiming faith-in-Fhrer with bullets and bombs. Through the eyes of young Eva, the alluring charm of the Hitler Movement is personified in a lover. Desperately seeking wholeness in her broken world, she is quickly swept away by the thrilling passions of love and war...until she finds herself facing the agonizing consequences of lost sight. "I was blind, but now I see," brings us to the gut-wrenching climax that challenges the boundaries of hope and redemption.
In World War II, American soldiers were shocked to discover thousands of German POW's carrying New Testaments. Civilized men serving Hitler? Impossible, or so one would think when juxtaposed against jackbooted Aryan supremacy and the Holocaust. The astonishing truth, however, is that the majority of Germany's population willingly supported Hitler, so powerful the seduction and so profound the blindness. Never before undertaken in a novel, 'The Seduction of Eva Volk' is an inside look at the not-so-simple paradox of a Christian culture proclaiming faith-in-Fhrer with bullets and bombs. Through the eyes of young Eva, the alluring charm of the Hitler Movement is personified in a lover. Desperately seeking wholeness in her broken world, she is quickly swept away by the thrilling passions of love and war...until she finds herself facing the agonizing consequences of lost sight. "I was blind, but now I see," brings us to the gut-wrenching climax that challenges the boundaries of hope and redemption.