A Secret Gathering follows the true story of an antique appraiser on a journey of self-discovery as he becomes captivated by a rare children's book published in 1916 by artist Frederick Waugh, also known as The Wizard. As he embarks on a spiritual journey to the island of Monhegan off the coast of Maine, he experiences synchronicities, discovers rare and sacred objects, and learns an intuitive secret language that helps him decipher the meaning of a magical painting by The Wizard that is in a museum in Kansas. In the end, he must also confront the responsibility of his friend Standing Owl's most sacred possession. Filled with mystery and magic, this book is a moving tale of self-discovery, personal growth, and the transformative power of storytelling. Whether you're a fan of mysticism, spirituality, art history, Monhegan Island, Maine, or synchronicity, this book is sure to captivate and inspire you!
A Secret Gathering follows the true story of an antique appraiser on a journey of self-discovery as he becomes captivated by a rare children's book published in 1916 by artist Frederick Waugh, also known as The Wizard. As he embarks on a spiritual journey to the island of Monhegan off the coast of Maine, he experiences synchronicities, discovers rare and sacred objects, and learns an intuitive secret language that helps him decipher the meaning of a magical painting by The Wizard that is in a museum in Kansas. In the end, he must also confront the responsibility of his friend Standing Owl's most sacred possession. Filled with mystery and magic, this book is a moving tale of self-discovery, personal growth, and the transformative power of storytelling. Whether you're a fan of mysticism, spirituality, art history, Monhegan Island, Maine, or synchronicity, this book is sure to captivate and inspire you!