One day, Captain Peanut receives a distress call from a nearby school. Parker Paris, a student upset about his assigned role in a bake sale, has started a fire with his lightning bolt rod. Captain Peanut and the students will have to use teamwork to understand just what has gotten Parker in a twist, figure out how to put out the fire, and save the bake sale.
The School Yard Crisis: A Captain Peanut Adventure is a delightful, imaginative story that emphasizes the importance of working together, expressing feelings and problems openly, and taking responsibility for our own actions. With unique and whimsical characters and an exciting adventure, kids will love its message of inclusivity and understanding.
One day, Captain Peanut receives a distress call from a nearby school. Parker Paris, a student upset about his assigned role in a bake sale, has started a fire with his lightning bolt rod. Captain Peanut and the students will have to use teamwork to understand just what has gotten Parker in a twist, figure out how to put out the fire, and save the bake sale.
The School Yard Crisis: A Captain Peanut Adventure is a delightful, imaginative story that emphasizes the importance of working together, expressing feelings and problems openly, and taking responsibility for our own actions. With unique and whimsical characters and an exciting adventure, kids will love its message of inclusivity and understanding.