Just how, and when, did all existence begin? According to the book of
Genesis, the Moon and the rest of the universe were created three days
after our Earth. So, that makes the universe about 5 billion Earth years
old. We'll explain why we can't use light rays from distant galaxies as a gauge.
How did we get our Moon? Since the Moon wasn't captured, nor was it
debris that convalesced into a perfect sphere, what force or intelligence
placed the hollow Moon in a uniquely circular orbit?
A man named Ronald Regehr wrote "As outrageous as the Moon-is-a-
spaceship-theory (brought here by aliens) is, it is the only theory that
is supported by all of the data, and there is no data that contradicts this theory". Sadly, this showcases what stupid lengths mankind will go,
to avoid saying that our universe has a Creator. It is expected that
when the two witnesses (Enoch & Elijah) appear, more people will
realize that the Word of God is true. The expected date(s) is given.
How old is God (Yehovah)? Since He goes back to infinity, what was He
doing to occupy Himself before He decided to create our universe? What
is the origin of sin and Satan? Why did Lucifer turn evil, and when? Lucifer
could not have recruited angels in Heaven to side with him, right under
Yehovah's nose. So where did those rebel angels come from?
This book takes you on a journey, starting with infinity, and ending with
eternity. Using the seven feasts given to the House of Jacob, we'll explain
the seven days (weeks) shown to Moses, how the feasts were first enacted,
and how each will have been fulfilled by Yeshua.
By the time the Day of Trumpets in AD 2027 occurs, the belief system
of Atheism will have already been assassinated.