Eve was a seventeen-year-old student who arrived in Canada for the first time on December 25, 2007. She was new to the country and left to tackle her university studies alone in an unfamiliar environment. Eve's personality and character are highlighted throughout the book as we watch her navigate distinct interactions.
She starts as an introvert who lives with a roommate almost three times her age, then blossoms into an extrovert as the years go by. Her adventures kick off when she heads to her first university class. There she meets a young lady called Samara-an encounter that shaped her life-and today, they still have a rapport.
During her university days and early career as a young graduate, she lived with nine roommates before getting hitched and beginning life with her spouse in the same home. Life was not always rosy-the struggles were real, the battles were worth fighting. But in the end, love, joy, and peace reigned. Today she has blossomed into a knowledgeable young woman sharing her lessons across the globe.