Reputation Matrix: Five Strategies To Increase your Visibility, Credibility, and Positive Word of Mouth in the Community and Online

Reputation Matrix: Five Strategies To Increase your Visibility, Credibility, and Positive Word of Mouth in the Community and Online

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Top Five Strategies to Build Your Word-of-Mouth Marketing

This guidebook is for you if you run a small business and would like better word-of-mouth in the community and online.

It begins with knowing the majority of new business comes from positive word-of-mouth.

What's easy to forget -- and may be surprising -- is that positive word-of-mouth actually comes from a planned strategy.

"The Reputation Matrix turns small business marketing on its head. I am a small business owner and thought that word-of-mouth was outside of my control. Marjorie Young's book has empowered me to make word-of-mouth an active marketing practice that I cultivate rather than something I just cross my fingers and hope to receive. This is a game changer!" -Melissa Gratias, Ph.D., Productivity Coach, Speaker, and Writer

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