Perfect recipe book to write down your own recipes
- Table of contents incl. checkbox for appetizer, main course, dessert
- Numbered recipe pages for easy retrieval
- Preprinted form for most important recipe information
- Additional area for notes and recipe rating
- Add up to 112 recipes
- Very clear and structured
- 8.5 x 11 inches
You are a passionate hobby cook and are looking for a recipe book to write down your favorite recipes?
Then this handy recipe notebook is just the right thing for you. It offers enough space for 112 delicious dishes and it' s very well structured. The clear layout and the table of contents on the first 4 pages allow you to find every recipe in no time at all.
In the table of contents, you already have the possibility to mark whether it is an appetizer, a main course or a dessert. You can add the most important recipe details to a preprinted form. This includes the date, portions, preparation time, cooking time, difficulty level, ingredients, directions, additional notes, and a rating.
This recipe journal is also perfect as a gift for cooking and baking hobby chefs.
Due to its ideal size (8.5 x 11 inches), the recipe notebook is very easy to transport and store.