Rebuilt Recovery - Knowing Yourself - Book 2: A Journey with God

Rebuilt Recovery - Knowing Yourself - Book 2: A Journey with God

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Rebuilt Recovery - Christ-centered recovery mixed with discipleship!

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Rebuilt Recovery is a journey with God through His plan for healing.

People completing Rebuilt find freedom from:

  • Addiction,
  • Abuse,
  • Depression,
  • Anxiety,
  • Trauma,
  • Rejection,
  • Shame,
  • And other life issues.

If we knew how to change our actions and thinking to avoid our messy lives, we never would end up broken. To be grounded in the truth that can set you free, you must know the truth in your life. Rebuilt Recovery changes the way you think about God, yourself, and others, using scripture and the leading of the Holy Spirit to identify the false beliefs, lies, and problematic thinking patterns that keep you stuck. People often struggle with unspoken beliefs that they are not good enough or missing something in life. Convinced of their failure, rejection, loss, or inability to be loved, they become stuck in lies of insecurity, regret, and shame.

The Result of Your Rebuilt Journey:

  • You see yourself through God's eyes rather than a lens of past mistakes and failures.
  • You find abundant life and true freedom walking with the Lord
  • You gain confidence in your ability, purpose, and future.
  • You communicate and face conflict without fear or condemnation.
  • Your relationships become healthier.
  • You are equipped with tools to prevent a fall into old strongholds, addictions, destructive thoughts and behaviors!

Rebuilt Recovery:

  • It is a not a quick fix or a 12-step program. It is path guiding you through scripture to recovery.
  • It is not responsible for your recovery. It is a transformational tool which draws you nearer to the Lord, and He walks you out of your brokenness into healing.
  • It is not simple behavior modification. It helps your thinking transform to have the mind of Christ.
  • It focuses on building healthy relationships with God, yourself, and others to provide a solid foundation needed to walk through trials.
  • It uses the "put offs" and "put ons" in Scripture to help you discover and walk in your identity in Christ, giving you a biblical love for yourself and confidence in God's ability to help you succeed.
  • It works!

A person 100% committed and surrendered to the Lord will be 100% successful with Rebuilt. God accomplishes the transformation in your life, your Rebuilt books and coach are tools to help you along your journey. The Rebuilt books are your GPS to guide you through scripture. Your Rebuilt coach supports you, and helps you keep your focus on the Lord. God does the healing. He holds the heavy burden!

Book Two - Knowing Yourself

This book uses scripture to examine your heart and the path of your life. You will see nonbiblical and problematic thinking that has damaged your life and distorted your image of yourself. You will walk through the depths of your heart to see yourself as God sees you; examining your heart through your words, thoughts, and actions, seeing the impact of past experiences, and realizing how it all effects your current situations and relationships.

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.

(Proverbs 11:14)

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