To have an experience of your whole self is the reason for this book and the mission behind my work with Quantum Expansion or QUE. This practice is simple, offering a predictable and repeatable path to a direct experience of yourself in an ongoing, persistent state. That means the practice of QUE helps you express yourself as the fullest version, not just sometimes, but all the time. QUE opens you to the benefits of persistent wellbeing, wealth, love, and connection.
Before I tell you more about QUE, I must tell you about YOU.
In my personal and professional experience, working with thousands of individuals over the last 20 years, I have witnessed 3 unique, but interconnected, aspects of the whole self that operates as 3 levels of body. These 3 body levels are contained by a field of energy, each with a mind that works together as the whole self. You can consider yourself a monad - or contained, organized mind.
You are not, only, the body you live in or the thoughts you think or the feelings you feel. You are a multidimensional being who is traveling with and within the physical body. The thoughts you think, the decisions you make, and the desires you have are all happening outside of your physical body in 2 expanded dimensional body states. You are influenced by these other dimensions whether you are aware or not. The more aware you are about these other dimensions, the more leverage you have.
You manifest experience at the physical body level which tricks you into believing that this is the only place that you exist. Remembering that you are so much more than a physical body and learning to work with all 3 bodies (physical and multi-dimensional) is where you have the most power and influence to create your reality.